Vertical / Horizontal Spray Cooling System

GF-ELTI Vertical / Horizontal Spray Cooling Systems are plants connected to Heat Treatment lines and intended to quench products by means of an extinction liquid shower.

Products are placed and handled through a dedicated system.

The quenching plant consists of mobile half-shells made of a metal structure, intended to accommodate the dispensing nozzles supplied by the pressurised extinction liquid. The nozzles are installed on mobile regulation arms for positioning and orientation, according to the geometry of the product to be quenched. The half-shells are closed around the hot product, whether vertical or horizontal, during the quenching process, and the nozzles are tangentially oriented to the surface of the product to remove the surface vapour film during the cooling process.

Vertical and Horizontal Spray Cooling Systems are specifically realised for long products requiring special cooling processes. In particular, vertical quenching is advantageous for long products, whose horizontal heat treatment might cause some deformation due to their dead load.

Types of treated products: axial-symmetric or long products (e.g. shafts, bars and tubes).